November 10, 2019A visit to the dentist every year is the minimum to stay healthy! But it is not always easy to find a “good” dentist near you … We give you 3 tips to make the right choice. It is not simple to decide a dentist,” “In some cities, there are many practitioners and there are not really” criteria “on which to base one’s choice! »Three tips to help you…
Choose a recognized professional
It seems obvious, yet it is the basis when you want to make an appointment with a dentist for the first time: check that his name is in the directory of the National Order of Dental Surgeons.
“Before making an appointment with a dentist, also ask for some advice around you: in general, word-of-mouth is a fairly reliable indicator,” adds the practitioner.
Focus on proximity
Choosing a practitioner near you (or at your place of work) can be a good idea: you will avoid long journeys, delays … and you will arrive more serene (e) at your appointment. Do not hesitate to check the office hours: if you do not have much free time during the week, choose a practice open on Saturday or during the lunch break.
“For people with busy schedules, dental centers (Dentego, for example) can be a good solution: you can get an appointment quickly and, except in exceptional circumstances, dental emergencies are treated in the day, even on Sunday!
Listen to your inner voice
Try to avoid dentists whose waiting times are very long, and avoid professionals who are reluctant to make an estimate when the medical or surgical procedure exceeds 70 euros – it is mandatory! Item: a poorly maintained waiting room is a bad sign … “adds the practitioner.
In some large cities, there are dental centers: they include qualified dentists and offer prices accessible to all. Also, they always practice the third-party payment and, except exceptional situation, dental emergencies are treated in the day, even on Sunday! It has already been said above!
Word of mouth:
A simple and safe way to choose a good dentist is simply to ask around you, your family, your colleagues, your friends if they can advise you a good address.
Ask your coworkers, friends, family, neighbors, what they think about their dentist, and if they would recommend it to you. What are the arguments they put forward to convince you that their dentist is good? The major benefit is that these citizens are previously on the dentist’s take the chair that they recommend you; they have previously tested for you some way. They will be able to tell you if their treatment was painful, if the prostheses were luxurious, if they are good, if his dentist takes the crisis, etc … A second advantage is that you will be able to see the aesthetic result of the dentist’s work, and so to be able to evaluate his skills. But be careful, I advise you to look at the prostheses of people who have for a while (minimum 5 years).